(ABGESAGT!) | Sløthface | Support: Jettes
Mo., 06. Apr.
|Helios37 - Cologne
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr | Beginn: 20:00 Uhr | Vorverkauf: 18,50€ [zzgl. Geb.] | Örtlicher Veranstalter: Underdog Recordstore
06. Apr. 2020, 19:00
Helios37 - Cologne
Das Konzert wurde leider doch abgesagt!
Statement der Band:
"Hey again friends. We wish we had happier news, but we unfortunately have to inform all of you that as of today, the EU and UK tour we should have been on these days is cancelled, and will not be rescheduled for the fall. With the situation in the music world being what it is now, we don’t have enough financial predictability to be able to book in new dates for this fall, and will therefore be cancelling for now, with hope of returning to the UK and EU at a later time.
All tickets purchased for the shows can be refunded at points of purchase for those that want them - contact your local venue for more information. We do however encourage those of you that can to not ask for your money back for pre-purchased tickets to support the local promoters and venues that would be putting us on through very difficult times. Big love from Sløtface. See you on the internet!"